We’re big fans of small because we believe small changes the world every day.

Our babies have a BIG purpose ahead of them, and yet, their early days are made up of a million small moments—moments that can make or break mom’s day. Collectively, those small moments amount to an extraordinary amount of time.

Pulling off a 2am change without you or baby melting down. Protecting her face from razor-sharp nails—whether at home or in the NICU. Checking what lies behind the diaper without having to pack up and leave the party. These small moments matter to us because we’re moms too.

We make beautiful baby essentials that work, so you can be more present with baby—because that’s what it did for us.

Lili, Goumi Co-Founder

We started Goumi because we knew from experience that baby’s clothing could be made better. From the 2 am quick change to protecting ‘brown fat,’ our designs come from in-the-trenches mom time.

We relentlessly pursue the solutions that make a difference for baby and make mom’s life easier. From keeping baby warm on top while you change their bottom, to mitts that distract them for a few minutes while you brush your teeth. Because we know—they just need to be made right. And they can save a moment.

Sustainability to us means that every Goumi product has to stand the test of hand-me-downs. We hope that when you give the gift of goumi to a loved one, you are saying ‘this one worked, you’re welcome.’

From ensuring a hand-me-down level of quality, to our color palette choice, to selecting the partners who make our clothes. Every decision we make is about taking care of people and the planet for our current and future generations.